oldjail@comcast.net 270-586-4228

DVD’s Containing  Out-of-print Books
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*A Picture of Progress 1819-1975 and Reflections of 1976 plus Index – the old red and green books —
History of Franklin and Simpson County 1819-1976.
Compiled by Mrs. James Beach, Sr. and James Henry Snider—–  $ 35.00

*A–Simpson County 1819-1831 Circuit Court Orders, 1826 Tax List, Pre 16 May 1882 Deeds Replaced, 19 May 1882-6 Dec 1886 Deeds Recorded
Compiled by Dorothy Steers from out-of-print book ———- $ 25.00

*B–Simpson County Records, Vital Statistics, 1850 Census and Tax List
Compiled by Dorothy Steers from out-of-print book—— $ 25.00

*Both A and B above———— $ 40.00