oldjail@comcast.net 270-586-4228
It would be great to have you.

It would be great to have you.

Join us now


 CLICK HERE TO DOWNLOAD A VOLUNTEER APPLICATION FORM TO COMPLETE.  You can fill in the blanks, save, and attach to an email to us, or just bring it by.

Volunteers can donate hours or days, whatever works for you.  We will try to find a task or project that fits your interests and capabilities.

Volunteers hereby agree to serve any client who is assigned regardless of race, sex, creed, or national origin. Volunteers agree to follow all instructions and have a cooperative disposition with all staff, other volunteers, and visiting patrons.

Work will be reviewed due to the need for historical accuracy and attention to detail. Simpson County Historical Society reserves the right to remove you from your assigned project or work as may be deemed necessary.

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270 586 4228